Space Poop

Other than the iconic footprints of our astronauts, there is yet another thing they left on the lunar surface. Any guesses what it can be? Many of you must not have guessed it right. POOP. Yes, you heard me right. Astronauts who were a part of six Apollo missions have left 96 bags of poop, and other human waste (bags of urine, vomit, food waste) on the moon. And guess what? NASA is planning to go to the lunar surface in just a few years and get that shit back to earth. 

First picture taken by Neil Armstrong during Apollo 11.
Bag with human waste on the lunar surface


Well, these space missions have a major issue of extra weight, which can risk the whole mission. So, if they have to pick moon rocks, soil and bring them back to Earth, they gotta discard futile things to reduce the weight inside the spacecraft. This is indeed an interesting experiment that will provide us insights into the microbial life on the moon. Of course, the conditions on the moon are inhospitable, but those jettison (jett) bags are still worth studying the signs of life. There are chances that things may have not survived in extreme conditions. However, bacteria can withstand harsh environments and can protect themselves by forming spores which is one of their coping mechanisms against drastic conditions. They can thrive in hydrothermal vents, hot springs, and sulfurous and acidic lakes. If the microbes are found to be reviving, it brings up the case that we have seeded life on the moon, yet arises another interesting question, can we seed life across the universe? Isn’t it mind-blowing shit.


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